Post by stuartB on Sept 17, 2008 21:09:39 GMT
Just for fun. How about describing a fellow forum member as you perceive them, even if have never met them before. Numpty lover who spins a great yarn about who he may or may not have had in his vehicle. Used to be commercially aware but is getting on a bit. Pseudo-intellectual and self-confessed expert on anything to do with TUFC This is not a personal attack but just a bit of fun. Could be interesting 
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Post by Dave on Sept 17, 2008 21:16:45 GMT
, he sounds a nice man, but does seem grumpy at times ;D maybe Its because he Is always in the shit  I think he takes on things much bigger than himself and I also think he may stick his neck out too much at times.
Post by stuartB on Sept 17, 2008 21:35:51 GMT
This guy is bigger than he appears! Challenges authority but doesn't seek glory. Seems to have short arms and deep pockets but has a big heart. Has a problem with authority and has had a recent brush with the law ;D anyone for a whip-round? 
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Posts: 13,081
Post by Dave on Sept 17, 2008 21:38:21 GMT
This guy is bigger than he appears! Challenges authority but doesn't seek glory. Seems to have short arms and deep pockets but has a big heart. Has a problem with authority and has had a recent brush with the law ;D anyone for a whip-round?  Do we have to guess who? or should we know?
Post by stuartB on Sept 17, 2008 21:40:21 GMT
This guy is bigger than he appears! Challenges authority but doesn't seek glory. Seems to have short arms and deep pockets but has a big heart. Has a problem with authority and has had a recent brush with the law ;D anyone for a whip-round?  Do we have to guess who? or should we know? mirror mirror on the wall, who is the shortest of them all ;D
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Post by Dave on Sept 17, 2008 21:43:31 GMT
Big heart, kind and trys to be a good mate to all, yes that will do for me, who wants to do Merse ;D
Post by mickyflash on Sept 17, 2008 21:44:15 GMT
If I know the answers does it mean I'm on here too much? ;D
Post by stuartB on Sept 17, 2008 21:45:48 GMT
Big heart, kind and trys to be a good mate to all, yes that will do for me, who wants to do Merse ;D certainly not in the biblical sense ;D
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Post by Dave on Sept 17, 2008 21:46:32 GMT
If I know the answers does it mean I'm on here too much? ;D Micky we love you being on here, there are no answers, I think we are meant to write down our mental picture of a fellow poster.
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Post by Dave on Sept 17, 2008 21:48:44 GMT
If I know the answers does it mean I'm on here too much? ;D Micky we love you being on here, there are no answers, I think we are meant to write down our mental picture of a fellow poster. Got It wrong after reading the first post again, we have to guess who.
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Post by Dave on Sept 17, 2008 21:59:21 GMT
He lives in a far of land and could well love glam rock, deep down he is a true fan who cares, but seems not to keen on our manager 
Post by stuartB on Sept 17, 2008 22:03:54 GMT
He lives in a far of land and could well love glam rock, deep down he is a true fan who cares, but seems not to keen on our manager  can't be me Dave as I love bucks, don't I Sean 
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Posts: 13,081
Post by Dave on Sept 17, 2008 22:11:09 GMT
He lives in a far of land and could well love glam rock, deep down he is a true fan who cares, but seems not to keen on our manager  can't be me Dave as I love bucks, don't I Sean  Thats good to hear, someone has got to love him, bet his mother does as well ;D
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Post by merse on Sept 18, 2008 2:41:45 GMT
 Is that as in a numpty AND a lover, or a lover of people like you? 
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Post by midlandstufc on Sept 18, 2008 12:59:08 GMT
Copied from UK Dictionary website for Numpty -
2. Noun: a complete fool - a tit of the highest order
Classic. Always thought it a Scottish word but it seems it has travelled well. Its use, however, may have re-bound properties when appearing on a forum. Anyway Merse, the missing comma leads me to a wild guess that you may not think much of some poster's thoughts on occasion.